Friday, November 21, 2008

Did I miss anything at the meeting?

Hey People!
For those that didn't/couldn't come to today's meeting, here's what went down. We handed out a packet of info that describes the trip in much more detail. We have made a PDF of the document for you to download here. Please print this off, read it, and share it with your family and friends! Also, you can check out pictures from my summer 2008 trip to England and Scotland on Shutterfly here. It has images of many things you'll see during our travels. Take a look and get excited!!!

Survey Monkey : See the previous post for more details!!!!

Passports: If you don't have a passport you will need to get one! For those that are not US citizens and need special visa's make sure they are up to date. Our travel dates are:
May 25 2009 - June 9 2009.
To get a passport application visit your local post office. Kate and I also have them, so email us if you want to come by and pick one up. Or, you can go to the US Department of State to get an application here, or find out about the fees here.

Deadlines : (in chronological order)
Wednesday December 3rd: Last day of classes for Fall 2008
Completion of Survey Monkey. On December 9th check back to the blog to see if you are in the top 20. If not, don't despair! Tuesday January 13th is the day when you have the opportunity to
join the trip if folks in the top 20 haven't registered. First come first served!

Monday January 12th: 2nd day of classes for Spring 2009
Application fee ($75-) and Deposit ($500) due at the Continuing
Education Office. Office 100H East 3rd St (in the Self Help building)

Monday February 2nd:
First $ installment of Trip : $2063 to the Continuing Ed. Office

Monday March 2nd:
Balance of Trip : $2062 to the Continuing Ed. Office

Financial Aid:
For those that know they need to apply for Financial Aid, do not put it off! Demetria Felton is the Assistant Director of Student Financial Aid. Please contact her:

Some folks asked questions about the Rivers Scholarship. The deadline for this program is February 25, 2009. You can find a link to the application on the right in this blog.

If anyone has questions about the trip, or if you family and friends want more details about it, then add a comment to this post! Annie and I check the blog regularly and will post responses quickly. If you have questions, we have answers.

Remember: Don't forget to do the survey!!

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